The AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE (ATO) is a registered business with an ABN [51 824 753 556], that being the case, who do they pay tax to?
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is the principal revenue collection agency of the Australian Government. The Australian Government is a corporate Commonwealth Entity.
According to the ATO’s website, the ATO is a non-corporate Commonwealth entity within the Treasury portfolio, and serves four Ministers:
- Treasurer, the Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP
- Minister for Housing, Minister for Homelessness and Minister for Small Business, the Hon Julie Collins MP
- Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services, the Hon Stephen Jones MP
- Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, the Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP
The A.T.O. is a “listed” non-corporate entity with an ABN andhe ATO is led by Chris Jordan, who occupies the officies of Commissioner of Taxation and Registrar of the Australian Business Register and the Australian Business Registry Services, he is supported by the Executive Committee and other corporate committees. Meet Chris Jordon…
If you have an ATO issue contact the Occupant of the Office of Treasurer for the corporation Commonwealth Government, Jim Chalmers directly and carbon copy Chris Jordon and the other three ministers into this correspondence.
I sent correspondence directly to Chris Jordon in his official capacity as the Occupant of the Office of Australian Taxation Commissioner and his office returned the opened correspondence. In other words the ATO did a RTS. Very dodgy indeed! Even Crocodile Dundee agrees!
If you are interested in reading this letter, it is available through the Practical Lawful Ascension online course.
Etymology Definitions of Tax and Taxation
Taxation (n.) early 14c., “imposition of taxes,” from Anglo-French taxacioun, Old French taxacion, from Latin taxationem (nominative taxatio) “a rating, valuing, appraisal,” noun of action from past-participle stem of taxare “evaluate, estimate,” also “censure, charge”.
tax (v.)c. 1300, “impose a tax on,” from Old French taxer “impose a tax” (13c.) and directly from Latin taxare “evaluate, estimate, assess, handle,” also “censure, charge,” probably a frequentative form of tangere “to touch,” from PIE root *tag- “to touch, handle.” Sense of “to burden, put a strain on” first recorded early 14c.; that of “censure, reprove” is from 1560s. Its use in Luke ii for Greek apographein “to enter on a list, enroll” is due to Tyndale. Related: Taxed; taxing.
In order to fully comprehend who is liable for income tax we must first research the definitions of the words used by the ATO in the corporate Commonwealth legislation.
“income from personal exertion or income derived from personal exertion” means income consisting of earnings, salaries, wages, commissions, fees, bonuses, pensions, superannuation allowances, retiring allowances and retiring gratuities, allowances and gratuities received in the capacity of employee or in relation to any services rendered, the proceeds of any business carried on by the taxpayer either alone or as a partner with any other person, any amount received as a bounty or subsidy in carrying on a business, …
- “Income Tax” means income tax imposed by any of these: the Income Tax Act 1986, the Income Tax (Diverted Income) Act 1981, the Income Tax (Former Complying Superannuation Funds) Act 1994, the Income Tax (Former Non-resident Superannuation Funds) Act 1994, the Income Tax (Fund Contributions) Act 1989
- “Individual” means a natural person.
- “company” means (a) a body corporate; or (b) any other unincorporated association or body of persons (a) a body corporate; or (b) any other unincorporated association or body of *persons;
So with the meaning of the words as provided by the legislation we are then able to determine that the word “person” has the same meaning as the word “individual” and the same meaning as the word “personal”
As stated in the legislation the word “person” and the word “personal” has the following meanings:
- “person” includes a partnership, a company and a person in the capacity of trustee of a trust estate.
Addressing Legal disability/Incompetency in relation to the Person.
- “legal personal representative” means: (a) an executor or administrator of an estate of an individual who has died; or (b) a trustee of an estate of an individual who is under a legal disability; or (c) a person who holds a general power of attorney that was granted by another person. But does not include a *partnership or a *non‑entity joint venture.
- “trustee” in addition to every person appointed or constituted trustee by act of parties, by order, or declaration of a court, or by operation of law, includes; (a) an executor or administrator, guardian, committee, receiver, or liquidator; and (b) every person having or taking upon himself the administration or control of income affected by any express or implied trust, or acting in any fiduciary capacity, or having the possession, control or management of the income of a person under any legal or other disability;
I, Dawn-michelle, am the “Legal Personal Representative” for my Estate occupying the Office of Executor. I am not legally incompetent!
Dawn, Executor
- religious practitioner means; (a) a minister of religion; or (b) a student at an institution who is undertaking a course of instruction in the duties of a minister of religion; or (c) a full‑time member of a religious order; or (d) a student at a college conducted solely for training persons to become members of religious orders.
If you have an unincorporated ABN, you have affirmed your Allegiance to the Commonwealth of Australia and you are studying the Authorised King James Version Bible [1611], you are in the eyes of the ATO a religious practitioner.
- “Australia” , when used in a geographical sense, has the same meaning as in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 ; includes each of the following: (a) Norfolk Island; (b) the Coral Sea Territories; (c) the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands; (d) the Territory of Christmas Island; (e) the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands; (f) the Territory of Heard Island and the McDonald Islands.
So in summary of Sections 6.5 the only true statement that can be given is the following;
An Australian resident is a person and as the definition as provided by the legislation states, a person is a company.
Section 960.505 states that when Australia is used in a geographical sense it includes only the islands and territories listed a, b, c, d, e and f in the list above.
As Australia is indeed a land mass and cannot be known as anything other than a land mass we can determine that Australia can only be used in a geographical sense as per the statement provided in Sect 960.505 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and thus Australia can only be known as the following;
- Norfolk Island;
- the Coral Sea Territories;
- the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands;
- the Territory of Christmas Island;
- the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands;
- the Territory of Heard Island and the McDonald Islands.
After finding the meanings to the words in the statements provided in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 it is very clear and can be no doubt as to who is liable for income tax in Australia.
The ONLY entities or persons liable for income tax under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 would be a company with an assessable income derived from the list of islands and territories as listed in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 Sect 960.505.
Defining Jurisdiction
As a living man or woman with an unincorporated ABN and has affirmed allegiance to the “Original” Commonwealth of Australia and as the Taxation Legislation states that Australia as defined in a geographical sense does not include the land mass on which we physically domicile.
As defined in the “Acts Interpretation Act 1901”“Australia” means the Commonwealth of Australia and, when used in a geographical sense, includes Norfolk Island, the Territory of Christmas Island and the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands, but does not include any other external Territory.
The Commonwealth of Australia is NOT a geographical location it is
“We the People” whom are blessed under almighty God in the indissoluable united federation known as the Commonwealth of Australia bound by The Commonwealth Constitution 1900 (Imp)
We do not earn an income we receive sustainance for our charitable work.
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