The Commonwealth Government has an Australian Business Number (an ABN). It is listed on the Australian Business Registration Website as an entity.
From my own research I discovered that the Australian Government is a registered American company listed on the stock exchange.
The registered ABN of the Australian Government is Comcover.
Comcover, is the Australian Government’s self-managed insurance fund, has been providing insurance and risk management services to Australian Government entities that are classified to the General Government Sector (Fund Members) since 1998.
Comcover ensures that Fund Members have a comprehensive program of cover for insurable risks. Comcover helps integrate risk management into government functions and operations by providing comprehensive and responsive risk management and insurance services to our Fund Members.
Comcover works in partnership with Fund Members to promote a positive risk management culture across the Australian Government to support the efficient and effective delivery of programs and services.
Comcover provides services to more than 170 Fund Members that have a broad range of responsibilities and functions. [WHO ARE THESE 170 MEMBERS?]
Comcover does not offer cover nor issue premium invoices to private organisations or individuals.
Comcover is the Australian Government’s general insurance fund. Comcover provides insurance and risk management services to all General Government Sector agencies and the High Court of Australia. Fund members purchase cover for all normally insurable risks, with the exception of workers’ compensation, which is the responsibility of the Australian Government’s Comcare programme. Comcover was originally created by the Department of Finance to administer the Comcover Account. A determination established the Component of the Reserved Money Fund, signed on 7 April 1998 (repealed 19 March 2014). The fund was later superseded by the Comcover Special Account (Determination 2009/05).
Does this mean that comcover is the registered Australian Government business entity that sits under the Commonwealth of Australia, which is the American owned Company?
But according to their own definition the Government Entity isn’t an entity!
Another interesting bit of information is that in 2023 a business trading name will not be displayed and will only display registered business names. I made sure that I screenshotted the trading names of this morphing enigma known as Comcover.
What does this mean? And who are the fund members and the ‘real’ CEO’s and investors of the country we call Australia… for now!
If you have any insights, I would love to hear from you 🙂
Has anyone actually ask the shit head of a prime minister what this is? And stick it in his face.
Wow! what Criminals , they are. Liars! They have been stealing from the works of our Australia. For 200 years!
This has been known since 1998 incorporation which is a war crime and a corporate terrorists incorporation.
In 2001 these same members of the treasonous past also enacted the code for war in the name of terrorism (them),which was against us = where was our security agencies? They also “OPENED OUR COUNTRY” for their terrorism embezzlement business.
This fraudulent companies means every government department was infiltrated to pull this off against Australia.
The AEC breaching it’s compliance operational duty to “ONLY” apply our true constitution security referendum law.
The AEC has amalgamated with NZ and God know who else or when they did this. Which has created millions of invalid voters voting in our country to commit treason and invasions for at least 30 years.
Also because their not a government under our true law every election, NOT TRUE REFERENDUM, is fraud, invalid, under a corporation portfolio in this alternate reality.
The fact that the AEC will not accept treason, war crimes, incorporation, no section 44 members candidates, political parties are never to operate (to stop ability for corruption, infiltration, espionage, et) as a failure to vote is an extortion fine for “NOT” committing treason against your own country.
Also the courts cannot hear true constitutional matters or refuse our true law leaves NO CITIZEN the ability to justice, the rule of law or to apply our true constitution being our security law for the survival of all life here.
Look up the law council of Australia justice report under the practising law section, it states – if a legal practitioner has high Honourable status and no criminal record they can “APPLY THEIR COUNTRIES LAW IN AUSTRALIA”. War crimes everywhere.
Every law they self created from whitlam is void, every contract, embezzlement, trade human invasions trafficking all void, foreign ownership or operations all fraud and corporate terrorism.
My uncle was talking to me about this 12 months ago about the australian government being a private company runned by an amercian company and here is the evidence He also said that this is illegal under crown law so it shows who REALLY runs the country no the public sector but the PRIVATE sector so they can get their hands on the reserve bank of australia money and gold to abil them out when their companys go bankrupt. This is the same system that is in amercia and is running their country into the ground. So the government isnt for the people its for themselves to make more money for these private companys. Law of karma what goes up must come DOWN.
Spot on Michael! I have made a video on my youtube channel on this very topic. It goes even deeper, Australia isn’t even Australia!
Hello Dawn could you please tell me exactly what that video name is on your site about this topic please
When is a government not a government or it’s Australia we’ve been lied to