The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates – everything is vibrating at one speed or another. Nothing rests. Everything you see around you is vibrating at one frequency or another, and so are you. However, your frequency is different from other things in the universe and that´s why it seems like you are separated from what you see around you; people, animals, plants, trees and so on.

When you become aware of vibration and how you respond to it you can begin to make changes in your life to make conscious choices to raise your awareness.

As a HOUSE WHISPERER I use the Bovis Biometer to gain insight to what is going on within a home and with the residing occupants.

The Bovis biometer, also called Bovis Scale, is a tool that measures the life force energy level of any substance, food, medicine, living beings, objects or geographic places.

Bovis was a French physician, whose research was oriented towards creating a tool to find out if food is nurturing for the human body or not. Together with engineer Simoneton he created the Bovis Biometer or Scale.

The original scale was graduated from 1000 to 10000 units. Today we use a larger scale going from 1000 to 50000 units. An intensity or vibrational quality of 6500 units on the Bovis scale is considered neutral, this is the only point on the scale with any correspondence to Angstrom units, and corresponds to the wavelength of red light.

From 0 to 6,500, the charge is negative, or life detracting, while above the 6,500 point the energy is considered positive, or life enhancing. The minimal energy level for humans should be around 8,000 Bovis Units.

Places on Earth should be between 7,000 to 18,000 units, the necessary level for the maintenance of life.

Scientific research has shown that a positive or life enhancing value on the Bovis Scale relates to an anti-clockwise direction of the spin of atoms, and a clockwise spin atoms and molecules gives a Bovis reading below 6,500 which is weakening.

Our DNA and living water have a left or anti-clockwise turning spiral, while cancer cells and “dead” water have a right turning spin.


Geobiologists use the Bovis Scale as a common language to communicate about energy levels of places.

Readings below 6,500 show the presence of geopathy, underground water veins, geological cracks and earth’s magnetic grids, or negative memories, which are harmful to human beings, animals and plants.

Readings above 6,500 are considered health enhancing. Some Vortexes and Power places on earth show extremely high results on the Bovis Scale.

Use the INNER COMPASS BOVIS BIOMETER Chart to work out the energy level of your HOME, Occupants, food, or item.

If you would like to learn more about this process to raise the vibration of your home Click this link: The Ultimate Guide to House Whispering Online Course

Updated Bovis Scale
