Your Superconscious mind is the infinite and limitless mind that contains within itself the possibility and probability of any conceivable outcome. It is that part of us that has access to miracles.

You can access this state through meditation and hypnosis, however you need to clear your past trauma and resistance to connecting with this state first.

Connecting with the HIGHEST most awakened manifestation of yourSELF is an important navigation tool, it assists us to move beyond the EGO/Id and cocreate in harmony with the DIVINE.

Trauma and pain need to be cleared otherwise you will repeat the same patterns over and over in an endless loop, much like Ground Hog day (the movie). I believe that you don’t have to reanimate and retraumatise yourSELF to access the root cause. All you need to do is to speak with the Superconscious Mind and reprogram the pattern.

Be Clear about what you want to create

What is it that you are wanting to create in your life is a very important part of this process, HIGHER navigation helps to bring you into alignment. I recommend the INTUITION MASTERY ONLINE COURSE. Along with the FREE MUSCLE TESTING FOR INNER COMPASS PRACTIONERS ONLINE COURSE.

When you set the intention to be the HIGHEST most awakened manifestation of yourSELF, watch the magic unfold.

If you would like to book a session to connect, clear and reprogram your Superconscious Mind, please contact me via the website or attend an upcoming webinar.