Seeking Support

Seeking Support

Dear friends I am seeking support by way of donations to pay for court costs. As a Self-litigant the odds are stacked against me. In Kelly v Fiander [2024] WASC 275 Justice Musikanth displayed an obvious bias basing his decision on opinions of others not on actual law...
Sovereign Citizen Case Law Echo-chamber

Sovereign Citizen Case Law Echo-chamber

“Fraud unravels everything, fraud vitiates all transactions known to the law of however high a degree of solemnity” with the transaction void as from the beginning by the fact itself. Lord Parker LJ. The Just Because Rule (JBR) Just Because someone labels you as...
Kelly v Fiander 2024 WASC 275

Kelly v Fiander 2024 WASC 275

Justice Musikanth made a decision in relation to Kelly v Fiander 2024 WASC 275. We (the Royal we) presented/appeared as a living woman. He accepted that the appellant describes herself as a ‘living, breathing, sentient’ woman. He did not accept that Dawn...