Meaning and Symbology of 33

The number 33 is considered the most sacred of all numbers. 33 also plays in concert with 32 as it symbolized transformation. (Ice=32° Water=33°). 33 in The Bible Jesus lived 33 yearsJesus performed 33 miraclesKing David reigned in Jerusalem for 33 yearsThe star of...
The Pantomime of Parliament

The Pantomime of Parliament

The Commonwealth of Australia has been usurped by stealth and subterfuge by politicians who work for political parties and their stakeholders not ‘We the People’. Minions of the Labor Party are the foot soldiers who do the bidding for their masters at the...
First Notice of Copyright: Dawn Michelle Kelly©®

First Notice of Copyright: Dawn Michelle Kelly©®

Copyright Notice Trade-Name/Trade-Mark Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent I hereby declare that the law of agent and principal shall apply and that service upon one is service upon another. Copyright Notice: All rights...