Clearing Videos

During every Inner Compass® group session there is always a focus person or in some cases two or three people that is known as the ‘body of the group’. They are the group’s priority for the Inner Compass® session because they are able to shift/clear the energy/blockage for the entire group collective. 

What the videos on this page offers you is the opportunity to experience the shift/clearing for yourSELF. If you have done the Inner Compass® Intuition Essentials then you will be able to calibrate and quantify the shift. Simply connect with the HIGHEST most awakened manifestation of yourSELF, remain neutral and detach from the outcome. 

Determine which is your priority Inner Compass® video, you may have more than one priority. Ask “do I have this issue?”, “can this video assist me to clear my issue?”, if so, “will this video clear my issue completely?”, if not “What percentage of my issue?”. There may be more questions you need to ask, explore this with your pendulum following the Innerr Compass® navigation guidelines

Self Love

SELF Love underpins every relationship you will ever have. The first and foremost relationship you have is with yourSELF. The Inner Compass® Celebrate Ricky video has powerfully potent clearing energy. Allow the music to filter through to the space within the space within. This joyful experience is filled with intense LOVE

Self Sabotage

Subconsciously we have programs running that sabotage our success in life. We often hold onto what we know as it is perceived as safe as change and the ‘unknown’ can be thought of as ‘scary’.

This Inner Compass® Clearing video will assist you to peal off a few of the layers that prevent you from making the changes you need to move forward in your life.

Letting Go of Outcomes

Many of us try to micromanage situations and people in our lives and try to control or manipulate outcomes. This can generate an enormous amount of stress and we become a prisoner to our inner control freak. We lose sight of the joy of being present and experiencing the moment. 

When you connect with Sylvia you will feel the expansion and freedom as you open up and connect with the flow of life. Remember her healing is your healing