Who will you vote for?

Who will you vote for?

No matter who you are and what your views are of the world, the one thing that we can all agree on is that we all want a government that truly reflects the will of the people. This current government does not! They only reflect the will of their stake holders and...
Bloody Oath

Bloody Oath

An oath is defined as a solemn, usually a formal calling upon God or a God to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says. Australian Red Cross Bloody Oath “I hereby swear to be the lifeblood of...


Are you a dead corpse who has left your Estate abandoned? Unless you have claimed your Estate, which is your body/ “the land” then you are nullius bonis, the property of no one. If you do not domicile in the land of the living and have not claimed your...
Matthew 18

Matthew 18

Authorised King James Version [1611] Bible The King James Version [1611] bible is a royal assented Law book, it was commissioned by King James in the early 1600’s and was given royal assent in 1611. It is a book of God’s law and the answers to lawful...