What is your morning ritual?

Do you hit the ground running or do ease into your morning with presence and connection?  Are you on automatic mode where you reach for is your mobile phone and head straight to facebook or are you barely conscious looking for a caffeine hit to jump start you?

Morning rituals are very important. How you begin your day sets the tone and intention for the entire day. Literally waking up and consciously connecting to the HIGHEST most awakened manifestation of yourSELF is part of becoming the ASCENDED MASTER of your own LIFE.

Waking up and looking at what we do and why we do it vital to becoming more SELF aware. When we wake up and go onto auto-pilot and repeat the same patterns and programs we are susceptible to control and manipulation.

I wanted to share with you my morning ritual as I have adjusted it recently and it has made a huge impact on my mental and emotional state:

  • Make a pot of green tea
  • Feed my cats
  • Consciously connect with the HIGHEST most awakened manifestation of mySELF
  • Meditation and Divine Guidance
  • Inner Compass® Quantum Breathing
  • Om Breath

Inner Compass® Quantum Breathing has been transformational for me. It stills my mind by adjusting my breath to connect with the space within mySELF. It is very much part of breath exploration and understanding the different effects that breath has on my body, mind and spirit.

Each breath is different and takes me on a journey to somewhere new every time. The clarity of presence is profound because you are being guided by your body to intuitively breathe in the way to create connection in the way your body needs.

After my shower I awaken my chi with some basic chi gong exercises.

I wonder if you have a morning ritual that you go through every day. We all are different and wake up in our unique way. The key is whether you are conscious or not or choose to be.

Morning Ritual
