RE: The Petition of Right [1627] CHAPTER 13
For Her Majesty the Queen to personally appoint and swear in a Governor-General to hold the Letters Patent re Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) to allow a representative Government of the people as held to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK).
Are you a shareholder in the Commonwealth of Australia or a customer of the Government Corporation?
The Petition of Right process puts the Government on notice to give back the commonwealth of Australia to We the People as we know who they are and what they are doing. We the People have put a caveat on the land of the Commonwealth of Australia to stop the Private Political Corporation from selling off our land and assets. We do not take responsibility for the corporation debt.
David’s Petition of Right is a powerful factual forensic document put together by David Walter which uses this loop hole to bring us back to the land as Men and Women of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Dear Australian Government, please be informed that we know who you are and what you are doing. You are nothing more than a private political corporation. You have no authority over We the People of the Commonwealth.
We the People of the Commonwealth of Australia who are shareholders.
PS: We would appreciate it if you would vacate the premises and hand back our country!
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