When we look back on the chain of events that have led us to where we are right now it brings an element of clarity and insight that deepens our perspective to potentise purpose and intention as we move forward.

I invite you to create your own timeline of significant events and draw your own conclusions that will potentise your journey forwards.

My Corona Timeline

16/03/2020: The COVID plandemic was announced and a State of Emergency was declared in Western Australia that lasted for 963 days.

24/03/2020: Mark McGowan closed the Western Australian Border.

24/04/2020: Lockdown was announced on 12:01 until 27 April was declared for the Perth and Peel regions.

31/07/2020: The 1901 Federal Land flag was Consecrated at every ANZAC memorial in Australia honouring our ANZACS with a smoking ceremony.

12/09/2020: I organised a KOA picnic at the ANZAC war memorial at Kings Park. A week or so prior to this gathering I received a call from a detective from the State Security Group asking me if I was a Sovereign Citizen. He was very interest in a rally he thought I was organising and wanted to know how many people would be attending the forementioned rally. I corrected the record stating that it wasn’t a rally and it was a picnic. At that point three people had recorded their interest in the event I invited the detective to join us to boost the numbers. 7 or 8 people attended with 6 visible police officers keeping an eye on us.

24/10/2020: I notified Antonio Guterres the C.E.O. of the United Nations of our standing under the Imperial Crown of the Commonwealth and not a citizen slave on the citizen-ship.

08/11/2020: 3 alleged speeding offences. 2 x 6km over the limit and 1 x 10km over the limit. Attempts to challenge the validity of these fines were ignored resulting in a memorial being placed over my property by the Fines Enforcement Registry and restrictions to the driver’s licence.

31/01/2021: Proof a vaccination required in Western Australia for 16 years and older in order to participate in society.

13/02/2021: During a period of time when people were getting arrested and fined for not wearing a mask, I walked into Warwick Police Station without a mask and notified the duty Sergeant “Len” that I did not consent to wearing a facemask and I won’t comply to COVID mandates. Thankfully was not arrested.

23/02/2021: COVID-19 vaccine was rolled out in Australia. The Australian population became part of a medical experiment. All COVID-19 vaccine gained provisional approval only.

03/03/2021: Notice of liability to committing Malfeasance was sent to Francis Michael Burn the man who declared the State of Emergency in Western Australia. This was opened and returned to sender.

24/4/2021: Mark McGowan bans all ANZAC services in Western Australia.

09/07/2021: Correspondence sent to Mark McGowan regarding Electoral Fraud and Misprision of Treason.

14/07/2021: Petitioned the Queen. Petition of Right [1627] supporting David John Walter. Claiming our standing as a equal shareholder in the commonwealth of Australia and placing a caveat over the Commonwealth of Australia.

20/07/2021: Notified Mark McGowan: Corporate Premier of Western Australia and Scott Morrison Corporate Prime Minister of our Petition of Right.

11/08/2021: Notice of Liability, Fee Schedule and Remedy sent to Col Blanch, Police Commissioner.

04/09/2021: Notified Medicare that I do not want the Australian Immunisation Record to share my information with third parties such as vaccination providers.

06/09/2021: Unincorporated the name Dawn Michelle Kelly [ABN 41 986 775 150]

29/09/2021: Affidavit of Live Birth Source Document witness by my Mother and Father declaring that they were there when I was born.

22/09/2021: Testament to Will by Proclamation Claim of Right Occupancy of the Office of Steward/Executor and Terms and Conditions of Contracting declared and subsequently attached to correspondence.

01/10/2021: No jab no job policy announced in Western Australia.

13/10/2021: Notice sent to John Quigley to verify claim made against the Dawn Michelle Kelly, Estate. No response.

14/10/2021: Notice of non-participation in the State Corporate Election sent to John Quigley, Minister for Electoral Affairs. TMP19 69000 40300 21157 28090. No response.

11/11/2021: Decree to Reclaim and Restore the Commonwealth

17/11/2021: Created and published a video called Ladies of the Realm with Josie, Anita and Anna.

20/11/2021: Perth Freedom Rally worldwide event

Perth Freedom Rally 20.11.2021


25/11/2021: The Western Australian Corporate Government introduced Safe WA QR code based contact tracing smartphone application.

10/01/2022: Coercing parents into compliance with the COVID 19 experimental Vaccination program.

20/01/2022: Life Time Ban from Youtube. My youtube account and videos were deleted. Uploaded most of my videos to bitchute.

20/01/2022: Notice of Non consent and liability to Chris Dawson for COVID 19 restrictions including Testament to Will by Proclamation Claim of Right Occupancy of the Office of Steward/Executor and Terms and Conditions of Contracting. Cc’: Mark McGowan: Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Public Sector Management, Federal-State Relations; Stephen Dawson: Minister for Emergency Services, Medical Research and Volunteering; Amber-Jade Sanderson: Minister for Health and Mental Health; Paul Papalia: Minister for Police, Road Safety, Defence Industry, Veterans Issues. TMP19 69000 40300 46709 98093.

06/04/2022: Notice of liability and fee schedule sent to the Sergeant of Warwick Police Traffic North Division TMP19 69000 40300 25092 48096.

7.2.2022: WA Police raid Topolinis for operating their business during COVID

16/02/2022: Unlawfully kidnapped, tortured, humiliated, trespass and an act of larceny was committed by Sergeant Stuart McRAE. We were forced under duress to act against our will with threats of being taken to the Perth Watch house if we didn’t comply.  I was severely traumatised by this event. Stuart McRAE authorised the theft of my private property being my Green Hyundai Accent.

16/02/2022: AAAC Towing unlawfully took my private property to extort $1,129.40 from my Estate. An invoice was sent ref: 520593. There were no terms and conditions attached to this forementioned invoice.

18/02/2022: Notice of Liability of trespass and fee schedule sent to Chris Dawson TMP19 69000 40300 48544 44095

16/03/2022: Attempted to pick up my private property being my Green Hyundai Accent and this was denied. I asked the manager to show my in their terms and conditions where it states that I have to pay them $1,1290.00 in order to collect my private property. They could not supply this information.

17/03/2022: Notice sent to Adrian Dillalo the CEO of AAAC Towing to provide evidence that he has the right to withhold my property. He did not respond.

29/03/2022: First Invoice and Terms and Conditions sent to Adrian Dilallo the C.E.O. of AAAC Towing for hire of my private property.

1/04/2022: Notice stating that I was not entitled to the privilege of Voting in the federal election as I was a commonwealth National and could only vote in the non-corporate commonwealth elections. TMP19 69000 40300 25091 68099

22/04/2022: D.O.T. notice to Linley Crackel stating that I no longer require the services provided by the D.O.T. [ABN 27 285 643 255] and that the Suzuki Vitara is held in private trust.

09/05/2022: Notice sent from the ‘MANAGER VEHICLE IMPOUND UNIT’ demanding that I remove my Green Hyundai Accent from the National Personal Property Securities Register so that they could auction the car to pay Adrian Dilallo the C.E.O. of AAAC Towing or else my car will be crushed.

02/06/2022: Sent a Notice to the City of Joondalup and a cheque for $65.00 to pay rates for the period of 2022-2023. The City of Joondalup banked the cheque thus accepting my offer. We also notified them of our standing and that they were a part of the United Nations Agenda 21 roll out.

02/06/2022: Affirmed my allegiance to the Commonwealth of Australia – Affirmation of Allegiance.

21/06/2022: Notice sent to the City of Joondalup telling them that I know that they are aiding and abetting the United Nations takeover of our great Commonwealth. Also requesting an ASIC form 418 in order to conduct business with me. Putting them on notice that they have no authority to enforce the payment of rates, fines, licences and infringement.

22/06/2022: Australian Securities and Investment Commission “ASIC” form [418] requirement Notice. Intention to travel in peace of the Queens Roads in the Original State of Western Australia, The Commonwealth of Australia in Suzuki Vitara with Private Notification Signs. Sent to Col Blanch, Police Commissioner TMP19 69000 40300 30173 83097; Paul Papalia, Police Minister TMP1969000 40300 30173 84094; Rita Saffioti Minister for Transport TMP19 69000 40300 30173 85091; John Quigley, Attorney General TMP 69000 40300 30173 86098; Mark McGowan Treasurer TMP19 69000 40300 30173 87095.

13/07/2022: Notice to the City of Joondalup to settle the matter of the council rates. Council rates are unsolicited. “Fair trading Act 2010” 162: Assertion of right to payment for unsolicited goods or services.

15/07/2022: Chris Dawson, ex-vaccine Commander and Police Commissioner becomes the pretended Governor of Western Australia.

26/7/2022: Arrested unlawfully by Owain FIANDER in Albany and my private property was taken in an act of larceny in an attempt to extort money from my Estate. Owain and his work colleage humiliated, kidnapped and tortured me. They both went through my belongings and proceeded to empty my money I was then coerced into a humiliating identifying procedures process against my will.

11/08/2022: Notice of Liability Regarding Trespass/Fee Schedule and Remedy sent to Col Blanch, Police Commissioner. Witnessed by John Sydney McNair [7435] at Warwick J.P. Signing Centre. TMP19 69000 40300 50702 50095.

15/08/2022: Viral RATS testing marketing as COVID 19 is running out of steam.

20/08/2022: Notice to cease and desist the use of Point to Point Cameras in the Original State of Western Australia sent to Col Blanch, Police Commissioner TMP19 69000 40300 30174 55091, Paul Papalia, Minister for Police TMP1969000 40300 30174 54094; Adrian Warner, Road Safety Commissioner of Western Australia TMP19 69000 40300 30174 53097.

23/08/2022: A Final Invoice for $24,635.00 and terms and conditions of conditions of hire was sent to Adrian Dilallo the C.E.O. of AAAC Towing, ‘the Hirer’ of my Private Property.

24/08/2022: Chris Dawson appointed a Vaccine Commander in Western Australia. Also holding the position of Police Commissioner and State Emergency Coordinator.

01/09/2022: Transfer of Land Act, 1893 SECOND SCHEDULE. Western Australia Section 20. Application to bring Land under the operation of the Transfer of Land Act 1893. Reversion of Interest of the Birth Certificate sent to the Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages of Western Australia (RBDM).

02/09/2022: Filed a reversion of interest on my birth certificate with Landgate which was acknowledged by way of email by Ben | Senior Consultant | Delegate of the Registrar of Titles Land Titles Operations

06/09/2022: Correspondence sent from Heath Bennett, the Registrar of ‘RBDM’ stating that the Birth Certificate has no relevance to the legislative business or operational requirement of the RBDM.  

12/09/2022: City of Joondalup Rates Exemption Notice

13/9/2022: Went down to Albany Magistrates Court to honour a summons to appear and my appearance was denied. A notice of Divine Special Appearance was ignored by Magistrate Dianne Scaddan and as I did not consent to being the ‘Person’ she proceeded from section 55 of the Criminal Procedure Act to section 44, non appearance. We were physically present in the court room as Dawn Michelle Executor of the Dawn Michelle Kelly Estate.

14/10/2022: Mandatory Isolation for COVID-19 ends.

22/10/2022: Declared my Universal Peace Treaty.

04/11/2022: End of State of Emergency declared in Western Australia.

11/11/2022: Copyrighted the name Dawn Michelle Kelly as a common law copyright.

30/12/2022: First Notice of conditional acceptance sent to Col Blanch, Paul Papalia and Adam Tomison regarding the 3 alleged speeding fines requesting proof that the multinova cameras complied with their ‘National Measurement Act 1960’. No response.

31/12/2022: Irrevocable Estoppel Cease and Desist Final Demand for Payment D.O.T.

1/3/2023: Went to the Supreme Court for an appeal against a decision made by Magistrate Dianne Scaddan in the Albany Magistrates Court. There was a monumental miscarriage of justice and an abuse of process that occurred. I was physically standing in the court room as Dawn Michelle Executor for the Dawn Michelle Kelly Estate and Magistrate Dianne Scaddan stated if you are not the ‘Person’ Dawn Kelly you have no standing in my court room.

26/3/2023: All COVID 19 vaccine injectable still have provisional approval. Still in experimental trial phase.

11/4/2023: Round two in the Supreme Court Dawn Kelly (Crown Appellant) v Owain FIANDER (Respondent). I was supported by my amazing friends. We are awaiting on Justice Vandongen to publish his findings.

17.7.2023: Topolinis Talk – WA GOVCO’s Business Model

5.9.2023: Dawn Kelly’s appointment of the Office of Justice of the Peace was terminated by pretended Governor of Western Australia – Chris Dawson.

16/11/2023: Senator Rennick stated that he didn’t give a rats pyjamas about the constitution at a freedom media event.

The Coat of Arms (not the Great Seal of the Commonwealth) is missing from parliament house in Western Australia – Nothing to see here!