I do not want the AUSTRALIAN IMMUNISATION REGISTRY (AIR) to share my information with third parties such as vaccination providers.
This is one of the options listed on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) – ceasing correspondence and release of information form (IM017). If you would like some information on how to fill it out watch the video below.
If they intend to release your information to a third party, who is the third party and what information will they release to this third party?
I found another form applying for authorization to become a vaccine provider and with the way the COVID VACCINATION PASSPORT AGENDA is being rolled out, there is definitely some money to be made in the vaccine industry. According to the GOVERNMENT MEDICARE FORM, a commercial business entity can provide a vaccination service.
Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) – ceasing correspondence and release of information form (IM017)
Use this form to advise the Australian Immunisation Register you don’t want to receive correspondence or share information with vaccination providers.
According to the Services Australia Government Website, vaccination providers can see your immunisation history on the AIR unless you choose not to share it. If you have a child under 14, you can also control who sees their record. If you choose not to share your immunisation history, your GP can’t see it.
This form is to opt out of sharing information with vaccination providers.
You’re still eligible to receive immunisations. Information about your immunisations will still be reported to the AIR due to mandatory reporting requirements of vaccination providers.
You can read more about mandatory reporting of vaccines given under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) on the Department of Health website.
Here is a list of all the VACCINES AVAILABLE. It is a sizable list and there is no doubt that there is money to be made in the VACCINE INDUSTRY!
Vaccine/Brand Name | Vaccine Code |
Adacel | ADCL |
Adacel Polio | ADPO |
ADT Booster | ADT |
Boostrix | BOOST |
Boostrix-IPV | BOIPV |
CDT – combined Diphtheria, Tetanus | CDT |
Cervarix | HPVCX |
Comvax | CMX |
Engerix-B (adult) | ENGBA |
Engerix-B (paediatric) | ENGP |
Gardasil | HPV |
Gardasil 9 | HPVNIN |
Generic Diphtheria | GNDIP |
Generic DTPa | DTPA |
Generic HBV | HBV |
Generic Hepatitis B | GNHEP |
Generic HIB | GNHIB |
Generic HPV | GNHPV |
Generic Measles | GNMEA |
Generic Meningococcal ACWY | GNMCY |
Generic Meningococcal C | GNMEN |
Generic MMR | MMR |
Generic Mumps | GNMUM |
Generic (Monovalent) Pertussis | P |
Generic Pneumococcal | GNPNE |
Generic Poliomyelitis | GNPOL |
Generic Rotavirus | GNROX |
Generic Rubella | GNRUB |
Generic Tetanus | GNTET |
Generic Varicella-Zoster | GNVAR |
H-B-Vax II (adult) | HBVXA |
H-B-VAX II (paediatric) | HBVP |
Hexaxim | HEXAXM |
Hiberix | HBX |
Infanrix | IFX |
Infanrix-HepB | IFXB |
Infanrix hexa | IFHX |
Infanrix IPV | IFIP |
Infanrix Penta | IFPA |
IPOL – inactivated polio vaccine | IPV |
Menactra | MENACT |
Meningitec | MENTEC |
Menitorix | MNTRX |
Menjugate | MENJUG |
Menveo | MENVO |
NeisVac-C | NEISVC |
Nimenrix | NIMRIX |
Oral Polio (Polio Sabin) | OPV |
Pediacel | PDCL |
PedvaxHIB | PRPOMP |
Pneumovax 23 | PNEUMO |
Poliacel | PLCL |
Prevenar 7 | PRVNR |
Prevenar 13 | PRVTH |
Priorix | MMRSKB |
Priorix-tetra | PRXTET |
ProHIBit | PRPD |
ProQuad | PROQAD |
Quadracel | QDCL |
Rotarix | ROTRIX |
RotaTeq | ROTTEQ |
Synflorix | SYNFLX |
Td | TDT |
Tet-Tox | TETTOX |
Tripacel | TCL |
Triple Antigen | DTP |
Varilrix | VLRIX |
Varivax | VRVAX |
Zostavax | ZOTVAX |
Non-standard vaccines
They state that bioCSL Fluvax shouldn’t be given to children under 5 years of age, does this mean that all the other vaccines can be given to children under 5?
Vaccine/Brand Name | Vaccine Code | Max doses |
Afluria Quad | AFLR | NR |
Agrippal | AGRPAL | NR |
Avaxim | AVAXM | NR |
BCG vaccine | BCG | 1 |
Bexsero | BEXO | NR |
Bi Meningo | MENGO | NR |
Pfizer Comirnaty | COMIRN | NR |
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca | COVAST | NR |
Dukoral | DKRAL | NR |
Fluad | FLUAD | NR |
Fluad Quad | FLUQAD | NR |
Fluarix | FLRIX | NR |
Fluarix Tetra | FLUTET | NR |
Flucelvax Quad | FCELQD | NR |
FluQuadri | FQUAD | NR |
FluQuadri Junior | FQDJN | NR |
Fluzone High-Dose Quad | FLHDQD | NR |
bioCSL Fluvax | FLUVAX | NR |
Fluvax Junior | FVXJNR | NR |
Fluvirin | FLVRN | NR |
Fluzone High-Dose | FLUHID | NR |
Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent | FLHDQD | NR |
Generic Hepatitis A | GNHPA | NR |
Generic Influenza | GNFLU | NR |
Generic Japanese Encephalitis | GNJEN | NR |
Generic Meningococcal B | GNMNB | NR |
Generic Rabies | GNRBS | NR |
Generic Typhoid | GNTYD | NR |
Generic Yellow Fever | GNYFEV | NR |
Havrix | HAVAD | NR |
Havrix Junior | HAVJ | NR |
H-B-VAX II (dialysis) | HBDIA | NR |
Imojev | IMOJEV | NR |
Influvac | INFLUV | NR |
Influvac Tetra | INFLTA | NR |
Mencevax ACWY | MENVAX | NR |
Menomune | MENUME | NR |
Merieux Inactivated Rabies Vaccine | HDCV | NR |
Panvax | PANVAX | NR |
Rabipur | PCECV | NR |
Shingrix | SHINGX | NR |
Stamaril | STAMRL | NR |
Trumenba | TRMBA | NR |
Twinrix | HATWAD | NR |
Twinrix Junior | HATWNJ | NR |
Typherix | TYPHRX | NR |
Typhim Vi | TYPHVI | NR |
Vaqta (adult) | VAQAD | NR |
Vaqta (paediatric/adolescent) | HAVAQ | NR |
Vaxigrip | VAXGRP | NR |
Vaxigrip Tetra | VAXTET | NR |
Vaxigrip Junior | VGRJNR | NR |
Vivaxim | VIVAXM | NR |
Vivotif Oral | VIVOTF | NR |
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