The pathway towards SOVEREIGNTY is not an easy one. There is a lot of learning and unlearning that is required, your beliefs will be challenged, changes need to be made in order for you to Navigate your way out of the system/admiralty law onto the land. At times this means that you will have your feet in two different worlds navigating life in an empowered yet very challenging new way.
In order to succeed you will need to have a firm grasp on who you are and where you stand first and foremost. You need to be heart centred and honourable with a strong focus on family and community. You will need to make some choices and take action.
The Kingdom of Australia offers you a pathway off of the citizenSHIP where you are LOST AT SEA to anchor yourSELF onto dry land through your biblical claim that was made possible because of the sacrifices the ANZACS made. The ANZAC Shrine is our HOLY GROUND.
As an IMPERIAL CROWN SUBJECT you are protected by international laws and treaties. Currently the Government are passing laws to remove their accountability and increase their control. This is evident in the various state Emergency act amendments and the changes to the state health acts. 1949 was the date we officially boarded the foreign occupiers SHIP as debt slaves. When the Australian Citizenship act came into play the changes to our Citizenship status meant that we were no longer Subjects under the imperial crown anchored to the land we officially boarded the foreign occupiers SHIP!
I recently met a man called Juha Kiskonen, he supported me and many others on our journey into Sovereignty via the Kingdom of Australia. He made himself available to me as I needed and on the 25th July 2020 he spent the afternoon with us sharing his knowledge. Everyone present was very grateful for his time and wisdom. Juha is someone that I admire because he walks his talk. He proved that he knew who he was and where he stood. He was solid in his knowledge. He is the author of the timeline document.
The intention of the afternoon was to prepare us for the 31st July 2020, the true Australia Day honouring our ANZACS! We took our oaths and became Subjects of the KINGDOM of AUSTRALIA.
What unfolded after this was his arrest. This came as a shock to all of us. The news coloured him as a violent terrorist. The true motive/s of his arrest are still unclear. He was kept in solitary confinement for 17 days and I am told that antipsychotic medication was attempted to be administered. A KJV bible was sent to him and he has a community of men and women who love and support him.
Yuha know’s who is is and he knows his standing. As a Subject of the Kingdom of Australia Yuha is protected under international law including by various treaties such as the International Human Rights Law.
All the facts about Yuha’s arrest are not yet available, however a few things have been revealed. A recent conversation with the Fixated Persons Investigation Unit established that ‘they’ are aware of the Kingdom of Australia Group and ‘they‘ couldn’t care a less what we do. We are known to them as PEACEFUL CIVILIANS and are NOT regarded as a threat. ‘They’ are aware of Steven’s ideology and have read Steven Spiers White Papers.
It is also of value to be aware that the Detective admitted that they were a counter Terrorism unit otherwise known as a precrime unit, preventing crimes before they occur.
An interesting department to be aware of in relation to this subject is the Community Forensic Mental Health Service.
Background information…
Laws have changed and now that we are at the end of USUFRUCT things are going to get serious. The UN are moving in and lawyers have been appointed by the UNITED NATIONS as the ADMINISTRATORS appointed by the INTERNATIONAL MONETRY FUND (IMF) to defend the INSOLVENCY AND MERGER of the SOVEREIGN INCOPORATED ENTITY UNDER ADMIRALTY LAW!!!!
Please refer to redit post below:
Yuha is protected and there is recourse for potential war crimes that have been commited against him.
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