The business of local government is booming. In 2019/2020 local councils raised $2,491,163,896.00 collectively in Western Australia according the My Council website:

Every City Council in the Original State of Western Australia has an ABN and is therefore a Business.

A High Court ruling HCA 11. 2015… “If you have an ABN and provide services for money, you are a Trading Corporation” That cannot be changed or over-ruled by any Statute or Act or by-law. The ATO classes Local Governments and Councils as ABN Trading Corporations.

Fair Work Act Sec 35 … “If you have an ABN and you employ people, you are a Corporation.  Under the Australian Consumer law, Corporations require a written contract with a wet ink signature of all parties with-in the meaning of Body Corporate Contracting Act 1960 (UK) with full and total disclosure of all aspects of the contract to do business with anyone. If a STATE Government tries to establish a local Government (ABN Corporation), that ABN corporation is automatically regarded as a corporation and it, therefore, cannot be Government, once a Government body converts to a corporation it cannot revert back to a Government So says the Rules of the High Court.

Ref: R v Kirby; Ex-parte Boilermakers, a corporation can’t create laws, enforce laws or raise tax the councils must produce at law documents that evidence this is not truth.

  1. ARMADALE,  CITY OF [ABN 79 863 269 538],
  2. BASSENDEAN, TOWN OF [ABN 20 347 405 108],
  3. BAYSWATER, CITY OF, [ABN 61 054 006 131],
  4. BELMONT, CITY OF [ABN 41 768 752 077],
  5. CAMBRIDGE, TOWN OF [ABN 12 196 299 070],
  6. CANNING, CITY OF [ABN 80 227 965 466],
  7. CLAREMONT, TOWN OF [ABN 18 530 868 117],
  8. COCKBURN, CITY OF [ABN 27 471 341 209],
  9. COTTESLOE, TOWN OF [ABN 19 824 630 520],
  10. EAST FREMANTLE, TOWN OF [ABN 80 052 365 032]
  11. FREMANTLE, CITY OF [ABN 74 680 272 485],
  12. GOSNELLS, CITY OF [ABN 18 374 412 891],
  13. JOONDALUP, CITY OF [ABN 64 245 472 416],
  14. KALAMUNDA, CITY OF [ABN 60 741 095 678],
  15. KWINANA, CITY OF [ABN 13 890 277 321],
  16. MELVILLE, CITY OF [ABN 81 152 433 900],
  17. MOSMAN PARK, TOWN OF [ 69 796 832 473],
  18. MUNDARING, SHIRE OF [ABN 20 431 487 930],
  19. NEDLANDS, CITY OF [ABN 92 614 728 214]
  20. PEPPERMINT GROVE, SHIRE OF ABN [59 760 970 579],
  21. PERTH, CITY OF [ABN 83 780 118 628],
  22. ROCKINGHAM, CITY OF [ABN 63 101 842 180],
  24. SOUTH PERTH, CITY OF [ABN 65 533 218 403],
  25. STIRLING, CITY OF [ABN 26 744 398 382],
  26. SUBIACO, CITY OF [ABN 84 387 702 890],
  27. SWAN, CITY OF [ABN 21 086 180 442],
  28. VICTORIA PARK, TOWN OF [ABN 77 284 859 739],
  29. VINCENT, CITY OF [ABN 62 191 132 542],
  30. WANNEROO, CITY OF [ABN 64 295 981 165],
Is the Mayor of the City of Joondalup Albert Jacob aiding and abetting the foreign interests of Globalist organisations at Council level?

Smart Cities Dumb People
Play Audio for the City of Joondalup Council meeting 27.6.2023

@ 7.22 Rebecca’s question on 15 mins City
@ 27.44 Pillo’s statement on surveillance state
@ 29.40 Jacqueline Hope on drag queen story time
Albert Jacob, the man who occupies the office of Mayor said that ultimately the council will make the decision whether or not City of Joondalup will implement the 15 minute city policy and to what extent.

Question to Mayor Jacobs: As you are a signed member of the covenant of Mayors for Climate and energy which seems to support the implementation of 15 minute cities, are you planning or thinking about implementing 15 minute cities here in the City of Joondalup?

Rebecca 7.22 mins

The City has joined the compact of mayors programme back in 2015 which is known as the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate Change and Energy and we are utilising that programme and liaising with them in regards to development of our new climate change strategy in regards to 15 minute cities. We haven’t considered that as part of that programme but it could be considered as part of the development of the climate change strategy which is currently in development.

“Ultimately the Council will make the final decision on any of those matters” says Albert Jacob – Mayor of the City of Joondalup.

Is that right Albert? ‘We The People’ who domicile within the City of Joondalup will have the final say!

One World Government

City of Joondalup Surveillance funded by the WA Government.

What a 15 minute City looks like in China!

What financial Instruments are the City of Joondalup accessing that we are unaware of? Time to ask Questions!

What Is a Financial Instrument?

Financial instruments are assets that can be traded, or they can also be seen as packages of capital that may be traded. Most types of financial instruments provide efficient flow and transfer of capital all throughout the world’s investors. These assets can be in the form of cash, a contractual right to deliver or receive cash or another type of financial instrument, or evidence of one’s ownership in some entity.

Why are we allowing foreign Globalists to influence policies of the City Of Joondalup?

The Minister for Local Government

Meet David Michael the corporate Minister for Local Government. He is also the Minister for Ports, Road Safety and the Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport.

I think that we all need to have a chat with this man to clear up a few issues that we have around the over reach and abuse of power that Local Government has. First and foremost I would be asking him for the referendum results where ‘We the People’ voted YES for a third tier of Government!

Agenda 21 ID cards…

In order to sustain the work that I do, I need your support. If my work aligns with you then I encourage you to donate to my unincorporated charity. I have a couple of major court cases coming up and I need to pay for court transcripts.

Thank you in advance


Dawn x