Be Original!

Be Original!

In preparation for the Australia day long weekend and in the spirit of being inclusive to the original people of Australia, I went to the local shops to purchase an Aboriginal flag. I live in the Warwick area and my local shops is Warwick shopping centre, so that is...
Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya

The fabric of change begins with the breath. It is a catalyst for a release vortex and will support your ascension. That is, moving beyond the illusion of this current paradigm of powerlessness and control of the masses to the ultimate creation force. The GOD WITHIN....

Sacred Gods and Goddesses

To be the highest most awakened manifestation of yourSELF is to invoke the DIVINITY within. You become the space that allows the space to flow. You are the SACRED GOD and GODDESS, you are the sun and the moon, the the earth and the sky you are heaven and earth and...
I am safe in my own space

I am safe in my own space

A sound healing session with Suzanne Lyons Yesterday I experienced something that left me speechless for quite some time. I needed to process what had happened and what I was feeling. I was gifted an individual sound healing session with Suzanne Lyons. It was...
Would I lie to you?

Would I lie to you?

Delving into the depths of delicious delusional deception. Deception of others, deception of SELF. Mirrors reflecting mirrors, refelecting mirrors. Chinese whispers upon whispers, caught in the web of our own conscious, unconsious and subconscious propaganda. Would I...